Another weekend. Another caved in Friday night, and probably another late night eat? On the exciting part of things tonight in Winnipeg is the Aboriginal Peoples Choice Music Awards at the MTS Centre. Envy?
I was in a bus shack last Tuesday waiting for a bus. I have been wanting to say this. There was a group of ordinary people inside this shack. Then the door opens and this tall man steps inside. He begins talking to who ever notices him first. He then says that he just got rejected from the hospital because he wanted to take his own life and they for some reason declined his needed attention. Then he says he was nearly arrested the day before for trying to step in front of a car once again to commit suicide. Now, you see this is where I feel guilt. Instantly my head notched up because of my nature. I remember saying to myself " I cant let this guy go ". Before I could make what felt like a split second decision. The man said to everybody " if you hear about a man jumping off a building downtown it's me ". " I tried to get help because I know I have head problems, but they wont help me ". Regardless of his situation or his stability. I crumbled. I thought of his family members that would maybe hear about this on the news or news paper. Then he hopped on a bus.. and that was that. It bothered me for the rest of the entire day. Checking the news, looking in the paper. But nothing in the end. No evidence of a man taking his own life or passing someway. Relieving? Maybe a little bit. There are reasons why things happen to us. Everyday. Some of us just choose not to believe it. I feel like maybe I could have helped this man. Somehow, someway. But I will never know, and that's what kills me. All I wanted to do was tell one person. Instead I could be potentially telling thousands. Some of us think we have it so bad. Most are blessed. Some are unfortunate. I remember this song by a group called Underoath. They wrote a song called " Some will seek forgiveness, others escape ". That line is dedicated to this man form the bus shack. God bless you man. I hope you're OK.
I'd rather be a failure at something I love than a success at something I hate.
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