Where have I been? I've been around. Maybe I'm finally manning up. Life feels different right now. I actually feel like I'm going up lately. Streetsmokes I hear your heading to Europe. Ha ha, your lucky my homey. What a trip hey? streetsmokes.
Big shout out here. I read a book recently called Black Will Shoot. It's written by a guy named Jesse Washington. Even if I tried to express the way I truly feel about this book, you would still never understand. Unless you read it you will never have the feeling I had. It's basically a story of the mid 2000's hip hop in New York. But you don't know the entire story is true until the end. I can't even explain it.
Jesse Washington if you're out there some where. Please understand I thoroughly read your story. Your life. You inspired me, man. I just want you to know I cared a lot about what you wrote. Hip Hop has sort of been taught to me. Sort of like a class in school. This book placed so much order for me. If I could show 10 more friends your story I would, but I don't think they would bite. You have an incredible story and I think you are great writer. Inspiration would be short of a generous comment if I used it to end it like that because you have talent. Great read. Be easy.
Vegas, you were the one who raved about this track to me. It finally made it's way to my head. And now it won't leave. For that I thank you.
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